Friday, September 30, 2011


I see it's raining again. Just when the golf course was starting to dry out...I turned the fans back on for greens yesterday to help dry them out. We've never seen rain amounts like this. In the last 30 days we have had right at 30" of rain!!!!!!!!!!! Thats incredible! We really need some dry weather to help the greens and allow us to cut the fairways and rough.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


The extremely wet weather we have had lately has set the greens back a little on the road to recovery. We've aerated all greens with a solid tine to get some air to the roots and aid in drying.

We are spraying a fungicide on the greens today mainly for algae. There's some that's started on some of the interior greens (8, 13, 5 etc). Hopefully we have some dry days without rain in the next week or so.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Punching greens

We are aerifing greens with a little larger solid tine. I am trying to get the greens to dry down a little and get some fresh air to the root system. The greens have been very wet for the past few weeks which slows ball roll and prevents new root growth.

Hydroseeding new no mows

Tilled up all the areas on #1 and 11 for the new no mows - started seeding yesterday. Also did the areas along the river on 16, 17, 18 that were thin after we removed all the heavy brush this summer.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Member Guest

We've been having some difficulty getting the greens faster for Member Guest. The recent rainfall and overcast conditions is leaving the greens a little on the moist side (dry greens are faster than wet). They also have been growing very fast because of the perfect conditions for bentgrass (cool and wet). Normally I would counter act this with heavier rates of growth regulating chemicals, but I have to be a little on the cautious side because of some of the thin areas.

We have mowed and rolled greens the morning followed with another mowing in the evening the last two days. Tomorrow we are going to lightly verticut, double cut greens, then roll them. We will continue mowing twice a day and rolling throughout the tournament.

The rest of the golf course is in decent condition with the edges a little less maintained then I would normally like for this tournament. This is due to some of the hurricane damage and all the lost time after Irene and Lee.

All things considered I am fairly pleased with the condition of the course for the Member Guest.

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Detail work

We are getting the course ready for the Member Guest this week. The greens will be getting faster, and all of the detail work is getting done.

Here is a picture of #1 cart path after being edged. I try to edge the cart paths 6-7 times a year.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

14 fairway

Here is a picture of a wet area on #14 fairway. This looks like an irrigation leak but we need to do a little more investigation before we start digging for the leak. This fairway has a history of getting random wet areas like this certain times of year, especially after a prolonged period of wet weather. There might be a spring that pops up once in a while in this area - learned that the hard way digging for days on 14 fairway to no avail years ago.

Grass on course

A lot of the grass on the course looks brown right now. It's from not being able to mow for 2 weeks then mowing everything back down to height. It should green up in the next week. We are all caught up with the mowing now and are working on the cleaning up all the grass clippings and doing some of the detail work.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Most of the fairways, approaches and 2nd cut have been cut but were very long. They went 2 weeks without being cut because of all the rain. We are about 1-2 weeks behind on the golf course right now and will be working to get caught back up this week.

The bunkers are destroyed and we have been working on them the last few mornings. All the silt has to be shoveled out, then repaired. Once all the bunkers are fixed, we will start to add sand where needed.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mowing Fairways

Able to mow fairways for the first time in over a week. Making quite a mess - they are long.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Re-seeding pg2.


Re-applying fertilizer, nutrients, and gypsum.


All the seed, sand, and fertilizer washed out. We are having to start over.


4.5" last night makes 22.1 inches of rain in the last 12 days. This is a picture of #9 pond up in the greenside bunkers.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


STOP.....please. The course is extremely wet and we have not been able to do any mowing or maintenance on the course for nearly two weeks.

This is really putting us behind heading into the teeth of the tournament season. Pg2 re-seed has washed put 4 different times. Hopefully it starts to dry out soon so we can get the course in prime shape for fall.

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Seed in greens

This is a picture of a plug taken out of one of the aeration holes on #5 green. As you can see there's some seed that has germinated in the hole and is working it's way to the surface.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Spraying greens

Spraying greens with a growth regulator and wetting agent this morning. #5,6,9,13,15 will not be sprayed because they still have some growing in to do.

This chemical will help to in tease green speeds.


2.8" of rain yesterday and this morning. Course kinda wet.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Seeding PG2

Seeding PG2 with 007 bentgrass in 3 different directions.

Running over the seed to "dimple" it into the green

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hazard Markers

Most of the hazard and OB markers were pulled in so they wouldn't be lost in the storm. We are going to re-paint them this week while we have them in the shop then put them out this week.

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Re-doing PG2 Chipping Green

Scalp Grass Down at a Low Mowing Height

Verticut Twice

Aerify Twice

Vertidrain with Deep Tines

Topdress Heavy

Gas with Fumigant to Kill Everything

Remove tarps and sod holding tarps

Prep and hand rake - seeding on Monday.

To be continued...

Greens Recovery

Before and after pictures of the right side of #6 green.  As you can see we are recovering nicely.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Still working on fixing all the bunkers after the Hurricane. it will take around 165 man hours to fix the bunkers when they get this bad.