Sunday, February 8, 2015

Bumpy greens.

The greens were a little bumpy today. Yesterday the greens were starting to thaw halfway through the day, and we had a decent amount of play. When the greens thaw, the top warms up and the bottom portion is still frozen. This creates a pillow effect for the top inch or so on the greens. They get soft and every footprint is evident.

Equipment issues

We have been trying to knock out the spraying the last few days. This is where the sprayer I was using ended the day....with a blown pump seal. Some of this older equipment can drive you up a wall. This sprayer is 13 years old. That isn't really, really old...but hopefully is on the way out. I won't be sad to see it go.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Gum balls

We were making good progress on cleaning up the course but those high winds destroyed everything again. There are gum balls everywhere. It's tough to get everything cleaned up in a timely fashion with the crew size we keep in the winter. I like to keep a skeleton crew in the winter because of the difficulty of doing tasks when it stays this wet out.

We are all coming in this weekend to try and knock out some spraying. We are spraying our summer pre-emerg and roundup on all the bermuda. This has to get completed 3 weeks before spring green up. With more rain scheduled for Monday, we better get what ever we can.

Brent Graham, CGCS
Director of Golf Maintenance
Two Rivers Country Club
1950 Two Rivers Rd.
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Cell: 757-592-0840
Office: 757-258-4606

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Fwd: Drainage 15 fairway

> No wonder our soil doesn't drain. That stuff is potting clay.
> Installing a French drain in 15 fairway.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Irrigation repair

We are waiting on a part for this 30 year old 6" gate valve. I decided to replace the parts instead of a new replacement. Usually I would just replace a valve like this, but the current valve is incased in concrete and we would have to dig a hole that would be able to fit the average size house in GLand in it. Hopefully the part will get here soon.

Drainage project.

I would like to finish this drainage project on 15 in the next couple of weeks. We have to wait until the ground isn't frozen to cut the sod and start digging.

We also have pre-emerg herbicides to start spraying for summer crabgrass control along with some tree removal, planting on 2 and capital projects like forward tees and cart path repair. It's about to start getting busy.