Friday, July 29, 2016


The greens are in the best shape I've ever seen them at point in July (knocking on wood).  Even with the extremely hot July.

I think a lot of it has to do with our early core aerations.  This spring we cored them and it seemed like as soon as they healed we cored them again. We are now seeing the results of that work.  

As of right now....I think we are going to just solid tine and topdress them end of August keeping everything rolling good throughout September, then come back with a small coring time end of October once we are through the meat of tournament season. 

Brent Graham, CGCS
Two Rivers Country Club
1950 Two Rivers Rd 
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Office: 757-258-4606

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Greens holding in there and August is almost here. Couple more weeks and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

The guys have been working some long, miserable hours.  If you see the guys out there watering or working tell them how much you appreciate them. 

Brent Graham, CGCS
Two Rivers Country Club
1950 Two Rivers Rd 
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Office: 757-258-4606

Sunday, July 24, 2016


Lynda McNitt won the sleeve of balls. 

The correct answer is traffic. All the answers are important but making sure that the pins are in good healthy locations, and we rope any walk ons that are beginning to show stress is essential. One day of heavy play in a location on the green that is already stressed can send that area over the edge. This is one of the reasons we get a little "creative" with pin locations this time of year. 

Brent Graham, CGCS
Two Rivers Country Club
1950 Two Rivers Rd 
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Office: 757-258-4606

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Free sleeve of pro-v1

First person to email me with the correct answer wins a sleeve of pro-v1 balls. 

Which is the most important factor (here at TRCC) when it comes to stress management and Turf health on greens this time of year?
A.) Heat
B.) Moisture/irrigation/rain
C.) Fungicide Program 
D.) Traffic management - both foot and mechanical. 

I like this question because you can't find it on Google.  They're all important and vital to the health of the green but one is most important this time of year. 

The picture of #6 green is provided as a hint....especially those of you that played on Saturday. 

Good luck

Brent Graham, CGCS
Two Rivers Country Club
1950 Two Rivers Rd 
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Office: 757-258-4606

Not fun

The next 15 days don't really look that inviting. Highs in the mid to high 90's and lows in the mid 70's.  Greens are starting to struggle a little bit. All this rain and hot, humid weather is catching up with us. 

If you see some new, interesting, and somewhat questionable pins.....we are just trying to keep the pins away from the weaker areas. Managing traffic is essential this time of year. 

Brent Graham, CGCS
Two Rivers Country Club
1950 Two Rivers Rd 
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Office: 757-258-4606

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


I'm glad we dodged morning showers today they were calling for yesterday. With this heat it's ideal to be able to control moisture. You can put water can't take it away. 

Some of the greens have a hint of white in some of the low areas. This is a high rate of fungicide that I put down end of last week. We had some black algae working in low areas (normal for this time of year during wet periods).  The white areas are where the fungicide dries out the algae and the white residue remains. 

The greens look great for this time of year (knocking hard on wood), they are a little slow, but you have to be careful in this location with the upcoming heat.  You have to manage all the greens at a level you would to maintain grass on your 6 worst greens. If all the greens were wide open and on the river, we would be much more aggressive with them. You just can't have the open greens (16, 17, 18, pg, 1 4, 9) rolling faster than the others. Consistent speeds throughout the course is the goal.

Brent Graham, CGCS
Two Rivers Country Club
1950 Two Rivers Rd 
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Office: 757-258-4606

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Pond 16

These flowers in the pond on 16 are ready to explode. One of my favorite holes from the tee anywhere when in bloom. 

Brent Graham, CGCS
Two Rivers Country Club
1950 Two Rivers Rd 
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Office: 757-258-4606


The effects of foot traffic on grass.  Can you tell where the buffet line was for 4th of July?

Brent Graham, CGCS
Two Rivers Country Club
1950 Two Rivers Rd 
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Office: 757-258-4606

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Bunker edges

Working on some Bunker edges, among other things, since it is too wet to mow today. Looks great. The sand builds up over the years and on the shaded lips, no grass will grow. 

I have some more I would like to do on 12 and 14 next. 

Brent Graham, CGCS
Two Rivers Country Club
1950 Two Rivers Rd 
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Office: 757-258-4606

Greens and weather

The greens look good but are very wet. All this rain and temps rising near 100 this week are a little concerning. I don't mind the heat, but when it is this wet before the heat, bent grass roots just boil under those conditions. 

We are going to start venting with needle tines in the morning. It's important to keep air flow down into the root zone with growing conditions like these. 

Just got to hold on for the next couple of weeks. 

Brent Graham, CGCS
Two Rivers Country Club
1950 Two Rivers Rd 
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Office: 757-258-4606

Greens and weather

The greens look good but are very wet. All this rain and temps rising near 100 this week are a little concerning. I don't mind the heat, but when it is this wet before the heat, bent grass roots just boil under those conditions. 

We are going to start venting with needle tines in the morning. It's important to keep air flow down into the root zone with growing conditions like these. 

Just got to hold on for the next couple of weeks. 

Brent Graham, CGCS
Two Rivers Country Club
1950 Two Rivers Rd 
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Office: 757-258-4606