Friday, May 3, 2013


I am volunteering at Kingsmill tonight helping the guys on the maintenance crew prep the course. Many people have no earthly idea how much time and resources go into maintaining a course during a professional tournament.

A normal golf course will mow greens every morning and may roll greens twice a week. Fairways and tees may get mown 2-3 times a week. At TRCC we are mowing greens every day, rolling everyday, and typically mow tees and fairways 3-4 times. During a pro (women or men) tournament they mow the greens twice in the morning, roll twice in the morning, then mow twice again that same day in the evening along with another rolling. All the grass with the exception of rough is mown every day.

It takes a good number of volunteers, borrowed equipment from local vendors and an insane amount of hours to pull off the the conditions that you see in tv.

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