Monday, June 10, 2013

Course conditions

It's been a rough last couple of days for the golf course. We got almost 9" of rain Friday and Saturday. We are working on getting bunkers fixed and we started mowing grass today. It's going to be all we have this week just to get all the bunkers fixed and grass mown out. It will be especially difficult if it rains again and we lost most of Monday due to the William and Mary Pro-Am. Monday is the day we get a good portion of our mowing done.

The greens are pretty slow from all the rain and humid weather. They are growing a lot everyday which doesn't help speeds. I am spraying them today with a fungicide (much needed with all the rain and humid weather) and a growth regulator. This 007 is really amazing - I am still trying to figure out a good amount of growth regulators to put on them to keep them from growing so much. I am getting into some very high rates, and the 007 just hogs right through it. It seems to be a very tough grass, even with the higher temps. We will get them figured out soon though. It's been a difficult spring for most guys with greens speeds - the relatively mild, wet weather is perfect for bentgrass to flush with growth - they do look good though.

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