Friday, June 13, 2014

Greens speeds

The greens are rolling about 8.5-9' today. They have been a little on the slower side since aeration. There are a lot of factors that go into this. I have raised cutting height a little, decreased rates of growth regulator, and the increased moisture hasn't helped.

I'm a little gun shy this time of year. Don't want to set them back going into the heat of the summer for an extra foot or so.

When we topdress we have to wait to mow, thus the greens get slower. If you mow greens with sand, the sand dulls the mowers (like sandpaper on a knife). Then the mowers will pull at the grass versus cutting. This pulling will bruise and damage the grass - something you don't want going into the summer. The grass will only get weaker the longer into the summer you get. If you set it back early, you won't have a change to recover until about September.

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