Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Misery and hope

It was 80 degrees at 5am this morning. That's disgusting. The Bermuda will like it and it will recover nicely from all the verticutting, aeration and topdressing. The greens hate these hot nights. The fans make all the difference in the world this time of year. They continue to be some of the best money spent come capital time.

I'm happy with the greens to this point although it is way too early to feel comfortable. Got about 4-5 weeks before that time comes.

We are spraying again this morning. I know the guys hate this time of year when we spray greens what feels like every other day. This is 2 days in a row of spraying greens(Tuesday: fungicide & growth regulators then Wednesday: soil fungicide for Pythium Root Disfunction), but we should be good until next week. One application has to dry on the leaf blade and one has to be watered in to the soil. This is the reason you can't just mix both applications into one spray.

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