Sunday, August 23, 2015

Punching greens

We started areifying greens this evening. I wanted to get a head start because it looks like it might get pretty warm tomorrow. We will do a few in the morning, stop before it gets too hot, then finish up on Tuesday. So far so good. They look ok. This is the first time we have pulled a core in a year. I wanted to develop some more thatch so the greens could withstand traffic a little better.  It worked but they were to the point or really needing to be opened up. 

A few of the greens were a little squirly after the areation (5, 2) but should be fine after a few rolls. We verticut, mowed, heavily top dressed, core aerified, rolled, brushed, and fertilized. The holes filled in nicely. 

This is always the most anticipated (and stressful) aeration.  It marks the end of a summer and signals the start of a great fall growing season. The August aeration is by far the most stressful for me because the greens are at their weakest after a full summer.  You have to be careful with how much you beat them up. The root depth is shallow this time of year, but the aeration along with cooler nighttime temps helps with new root initiation. 

Brent Graham, CGCS
Two Rivers Country Club
1950 Two Rivers Rd 
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Office: 757-258-4606

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