Monday, September 22, 2014


We are fertilizing greens with a bunch of different products today. We are also putting down a light dusting of topdressing. The greens have been a little thin and have really been beat up from all the mowing, rolling, and foot traffic the last week.

I intentionally kept them lean (low amounts of nitrogen) so they weren't flushing with growth, making it difficult to achieve the desired greens speeds for the Member Guest. It doesn't make them look exceptionally good, but they were rolling good.

I am really going to push them for the next two weeks to get them to fill in with the great weather we have coming with really cool nights. I want to get them filled in so they have the opportunity to mature going into next year.

This might slow them down a little for the next couple of weeks, but shouldn't be enough to make it that noticeable.

We are in good shape going into this fall. The greens will have the opportunity to continue to develop that much needed thatch layer that helps cushion the plant from mechanical damage. This was the first full year with the new greens and we faired much better than I expected.

Greens are like children....the older they get, the more tolerant they are to outside stresses.

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