Monday, July 29, 2013

Topdressing Greens

We topdressed greens today. I watered in the sand but there is some still on the greens. This topdressing will help the greens recover faster, smooth them out, firm them up, and help to eventually speed the greens up.

Because of this topdressing we will not be mowing greens tomorrow. I am going to give them another day to grow through the sand. If we mow the greens with the sand on them, it dulls the movers very quickly, and these dull mowers can do more harm than good when it comes to plant health (like getting cut with a dull knife).

We have been doing all of the light topdressing by hand with spreaders and bagged sand. This is extremely labor intensive and the bagged sand is expensive, but this is something that I decided we need to do this year to prevent the new greens for having that increased traffic from the topdresser and the tire marks that come with it. The new greens are still "setting up" and putting equipment like this tends to do more harm than good. This time of year I try to do everything possible to eliminate additional stress.

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